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I could not wait anylonger as I pushed forward. My dick entered her cunt. I pushed even harder. I heard my mother gasp, and cry a little, as I pushed inside her completely. I then held there, for a while enjoying my sexual union with my mother. I let go her hands to balance myself for a long fuck. Mom didnot even move the hands as she might have thought its all over for her. She is being ravaged nevertheless. I withdrew my dick a bit and pushed forward again. Mother stayed still. I drew back again this time to be out of her and thurst back again. Mother gasped.Then I settled to a steadier rhythm. I had achieved what I wanted. Fucking my own mother. My cock was inside her vagina and I am fucking her. I am fucking the same cunt my father has used to quench his lust and flooded it with his sperm to create me. I finally managed to spread the same legs my father has spread on the same bed. Finally I managed to make the same woman my dad made as woman of the house. I am squeezing the same. Ya know, sometimes I wish you’d just quit being so fucking polite all the time and just bang my cunt fulla spunk like a whore.”Stone was quiet a moment, but then broke out laughing. Nikki took hold of his cock and watched him laugh while she stroked him. He pinched her nipples firmly and then touched her face again.“I swear,” he said, “sometimes you have the nastiest fucking mouth.”“That’s why you love shoving your cock in it. Who wants to fuck a good-girl mouth?”Stone sneered at her and wrapped his hand around her throat, squeezing ever so lightly.“Sucking cocks is not what makes a woman good or bad.”“That’s not what most everybody says.” Her eyes burst into dark fire.“Most everybody is full of shit about pretty much everything.”“Maybe. But I wanna know if you’re trying to mold me into a good girl or bad one cuz honestly I really don’t know but I know you want me to be something.”Stone laughed. “Molding you would be like trying to mold a water spout.”Nikki beamed with dubious glee.’s got all the steamy content to keep you coming back for more. Stream Dehati Lover Enjoying Sex On Cam At Night Time mp4 porn for some of the best sex scenes you’ve ever seen anywhere online. No matter your urges, has got you covered with Dehati Lover Enjoying Sex On Cam At Night Time mp4 porn porn.


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